Monday, May 3, 2010

Blood Vessel Popped In Breast

The EU is! and Greece? G & G

Yesterday afternoon I passed the Council and, as with any important meeting, a crowd of journalists waiting for the response of the meeting of finance ministers from the 27, the Eurogroup. The outcome was positive: there was an agreement and Greece will be supported financially by the EU and the IMF. Wise and predictable after the German consensus and commitment of the Prime Minister Papandreou to adopt policies certainly not "cruel and brutal, as were defined by the unions, but simply necessary. E 'futile strike 24, even 48 hours ... Greece must change and improve the banner of financial discipline, efficiency, respect for legality, competition, meritocracy and productivity. The EU has been supportive, now Greece should be responsible. The austerity plan announced by Papandreou is in the right direction.


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