Sunday, May 9, 2010

Whippings In The Movies

"Europe can not hesitate, but hinders

Today, Europe Day, here are two leaders in Brussels that the Commission first and then the Ecofin that will analyze and evaluate the plan proposed by the Commission.
But it seems to miss a strong common political will. Great responsibility rests leaders today, but national interests seem to upset the European plan-saving states. London in fact should not participate in the European rescue fund.
understandable position given that the UK is already doing to deal with a high deficit, and above all a currency other than that which is currently in the spotlight.
So this afternoon if the Ecofin should be prevented from voting against and by the strong opposition of the United Kingdom, I think it should all'istitutione proceeds of a fund for just 16 euro zone states (even if the British vote is not jeopardized the adoption of a common fund because it is sufficient to reach unanimity maggiornaza skilled and unskilled). Nothing So serious. And very understandable ...
I would also like to emphasize the reinforcement of the Washington-Berlin. The contacts between Chancellor Merkel and President Obama are almost daily, the "special relashionship" in the economy seems to have left the UK for the sake of Germany, the country's leading coalition for economic support to the fund-saving states and oppose the attempts British to form a blocking minority in the Council.


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