Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How Long Will A Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Bleed

"The mayor is not to blame for the smog in the city"??

A ruling nothing short of staggering. According to the Court of Florence fine must be fought at the transnational level and therefore are of little use to the efforts of local authorities. One of the defense lawyers (in this case, the former governor of Tuscany Region, Claudio Martini) is even able to declare "One third of the composition of PM10 is determined by [...] international factors, therefore, only the European Union can provide effective action. "
1) the EU is not an abstract entity or a ghost to conjure when you are in a fit of delirium and despair. It 'a political system consisting of states made up of local and regional authorities which, through institutional channels and provided a typically European governance, may also contribute to the development of Community legislation and must implement it according to preset modes;
2) Local authorities, therefore, are relevant EU actors;
3) Local authorities play a key role in the fight against climate change climate, and thus the EU package of climate and energy, why is the level of government closest to citizens, an ideal position to delineate the most effective strategies. The "Covenant of Mayors , sponsored by the European Commission and the Committee of Regions, is an example: an initiative signed by as many as 1726 European cities (Florence is not among these) they undertake to respect the objectives of EU energy policy in terms of reducing CO2 emissions through improved energy efficiency, production and more sustainable use of energy;
4) this ruling could set a precedent, and So ... goodbye to all local policies against pollution!


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