Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mild Tenting Of The Left Hemidiaphragm


's amazing how a small, peripheral country can threaten the soundness of the largest economy in the world. With its contribution of 2.6% so the euro-zone GDP, Greece is able to shake the whole of Europe.
Public Accounts forged a deficit of 13.6% and a debt of 115% of GDP, a non-existent growth, a development non-competitive exports and a minor population dissatisfied and irritated are the main features of the country of Greece.
Strikes general these days do nothing but worsen the situation. The violent clashes have caused even the death of three people. Tension is high. Greek friends refer to what is more critical than the sitauzione is narrated by television and newspapers.
However, the greek government is taking measures necessary and appropriate to the situation. It is capable of showing knowing how to act in a time of severe crisis.
The Greeks should be proud of. If Greece is in a sorry state is because the entire population has not been able to make choices (political-economic-social) correct and courageous in the past.
And meanwhile here in Brussels, the atmosphere is heavy ...


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