Sunday, May 9, 2010

Synyster Gates Haricut

Ecofin / 1

seems that the UK has fate on his side also.
The German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble (67 years), who had to bear more strongly bottom-saving states, was rushed to a hospital in Brussels. The ministry spokesman said Schäuble "is well taken against the circumstances." The circumstances alluded to the spokesman were not specified, but presumed to be due to the state's health minister. Schäuble it still suffers the after effects of an assassination attempt in 1990 during an electoral event. Because of the serious injuries the current German finance minister, is now paralyzed and is forced to use a wheelchair.
Another obstacle to the already difficult negotiations so today. The press conference for 18:00 has been delayed, but so far no "expected start-time" has been notified.


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