Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How ,ong Does It Take For A Gas Stove To Warm Up

Part of ' intervention in Marsala President Napolitano on the occasion of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the landing of a thousand would be carved on the Altar of the Fatherland.
"It is painful that can be considered only from anywhere in South or North, you balbettino reviews liquidators on the achievement of the Unit, denying the leap that all of Italy, joining, made to entry to sail in modern Europe. While those who are trying to imagine or envisage a further fragmentation of the nation state through secession or separation, however conceived, grow a real leap in the dark. In the dark, I mean, in a globalized world that requires cohesion of the nation states of Europe within a more highly integrated macro and in disarray. We leave these things to joke with some unscrupulous foreign newspaper. "
a speech suitable to other EU countries. Belgium in the first place.


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