Thursday, April 29, 2010

Internships With Def Jams

The fate of Greece has never been so linked to that of Germany. The deteriorating socio-economic-financial-social that is affecting Greece can only be resolved in the context of the EU, and Germany now has a strategic role.
Germany has chosen to "sacrifice" his special interests for the good of the Union and its currency. Angela Merkel has once again demonstrated a far-sighted statesman: he chose to follow a road impassable although it has the support of the electorate. And May 9 in Germany there will be regional elections. 8.4 billion will be disbursed contributions of German citizens in 2010 to support Greece.
A common effort ...
This is Angela Merkel. A leader who can work for the benefit not only the nation but of all Europe. A leader who has the courage to make political choices for the long term. A true leader of the European People's Party.
Germany has also shown some foresight in the field of energy. Alpha Ventus is the name of the largest offshore wind farm in the world opened this week, just in Germany. Formirà energy to 50 000 homes. The electricity price is reduced CO2 emissions are cut down. The German government has already authorized the construction of 24 more wind farms offshore. The only wind I see in Italy is that of colorful pinwheels in the hands of children.


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