Friday, March 4, 2011

Should I Use Amlactin On My Face


With the young jasmine - Supporting civil society the Arab world

Protect and welcome refugees - No military intervention


accept refugees from Libya

The wind of change blowing over the Mediterranean brings so much hope but also many risks. A whole generation of young people trying dearly to take up their future, to write a new history for their country and the world, amid a thousand difficulties. For those young people and those people should be offered practical support now.

We want to do, while helping the Tunisian civil society to ensure hospitality and assistance to tens of thousands of refugees fleeing from Libya. Are already doing, with few resources and so much solidarity.

Supporting democratic civil society of the countries bordering on the south shore of the Mediterranean is essential to help the democratization process. Just concerned with humanitarian interventions, which lead to militarization, neo-colonialism and exploitation of local resources.

The north African, African refugees, fleeing the violence of Libyan Gaddafi should be protected and supported, both in the areas of origin in Europe, with open borders - as called for by the UNHCR - and recognizing them in Italy and EU countries, the right to temporary protection.

policies of plunder and closure of the borders of the West have produced poverty, exploitation and for decades helped the repression of any form of social organization. They helped to strengthen authoritarian regimes, allowing the concentration of wealth in few hands and power. This situation can be reversed by opening the borders and giving back to the Arab people of its resources through support to civil society.

The recognition of the right to leave and the right to remain are the two sides of same coin, is what allows the emergence of a genuine process of democratization. The role of the European institutions and governments is essential. The support given to dictators for years now requires an assumption of full responsibility. But we also believe that each of us, for that belongs to him, can help write a new page of history in that area of \u200b\u200bthe world.

why we promote a fundraiser to support refugees in flight from Libya, which will deliver funds to grassroots organizations that are present in the Tunisian areas of crisis and are already working for the warmth of tens of thousands of people.

resources are needed for the purchase of tents and food on site to ensure that solidarity will turn into someone enrichment and new forms of hoarding territories.

The crisis in Libya should not be used to gain positions of power in the area. It is unacceptable that a humanitarian crisis once again being used to ensure the economic, military and strategic rich countries.

Support the Tunisian civil society, receive and protect refugees, to help the democratization of the Maghreb. Each of us can do its part, the right side.

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