Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dirt Bike Themed Cake

If not now when: March 8 with Afghan women in Piazza dei Signori from 17.30 to 19.30

March 8 with Afghan women living

As Afghan women after 10 years of a war waged to bring democracy to and improve the status of women

Karzai's government, having reintroduced the infamous "Ministry of Vice and Virtue", after signing a law that women can not refuse to have sex with her husband and can not go to work, doctor or school without permission, is now issuing a law according to which:

the shelters for abused women will pass by the Afghan NGO management control of the Ministry of Women Affairs;
some shelters will be closed;
go to shelters for women must be accompanied by a male relative or husband;
shelters within the teaching of Islamic religion will be required;
accepted women in shelters and will be obliged to undergo constant "medical examinations" for the monitoring of their sexual activity;
the staff of the shelter will give the woman the family that requires them to return home for any reason.

For some time the shelters for abused women were objects of threats. For example, a twelve year old girl from the region of Herat has asked to be accepted into a shelter, but the government, under pressure from an elected official, did return the girl to the family who then killed and cut into pieces in Takhar a woman cries in vain to seek justice against the nephew of a member of Parliament has kidnapped, having kidnapped and then killed her daughter and that the Government Afghanistan is considered normal.
Now the shelters for abused women should go under the direct control of the government, one of the most corrupt in the world! And it is on women's bodies that the Karzai government intends to achieve mediation with the fundamentalists and the Taliban.

And all that Italy also has direct responsibility. In addition to participating in a 10 year war that led to the bombing deaths of some 40,000 civilians, Italy in Afghanistan has the specific task of reorganizing the justice project that between 2001 and 2011, has invested hundreds of millions of euro. The Italian government and political forces that supported and still support the military intervention in Afghanistan will have to explain how the funds have been invested to rebuild the Afghan judicial system, since in recent years have been enacted laws that penalize heavily Rights human and, in particular, the rights of Afghan women.

Today March 8 we express our closeness to Zoya, a Mehooda at Malalai Ioya, all the other activists for the rights of Afghan women and to all Afghan women. Together with them we ask
end the occupation and the withdrawal of all foreign troops.

Women in Black
Padova March 8, 2011


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