Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Build Free Arm Tribuchet

initiatives in several municipalities on femicide in Mexico again on

March 5, 2011: v PADOVA Feminicide

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, the most violent city in Mexico, one of the most violent in the world. There are still women, mothers who mourn their daughters, to seek justice. In total impunity since 1993 are more than 600 cases of femicide, thousands missing and more than 300 murders of women in 2010 alone.

never femicide

We want to be alongside these women, reassure them as if they were here with us, confident that international solidarity can be a powerful tool to protect and boost feminicide ensure that those responsible are brought to justice.

Therefore, adhering alI'appello Communities in Turin, Bologna, Ferrara, Florence and Genoa, calling on other Italian cities rose to light their important monument, the City of Padua light on the evening of March 5, the Clock Tower.
When the Mothers of Juarez found the poor remains of his daughters rose planted a cross, they have become the worldwide symbol of their struggle, as they taught the Argentinian Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, is a cry that never goes out: Memory, truth, justice.

the same day in the Hall of Hell Carotta, in Syracuse, to 17.30, the film will be screened by Alejandra Sanchez and Jose Antonio Cordero Bajo Juarez

the city devouring its daughters



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