Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Am Having Wet Dreams At Age

Meeting L'Aquila on May 7 to 8

2_0 Program - The program of two days of May "make itself", those who join come from stimuli that resonate in the projects that were already developing. The preliminary program is what you find on the site
www.laquiladonne.com (path to "About Us"). Saturday, May 7

hours 12-17 visits to L'Aquila is " (By reservation). Duration: about an hour.
Hours 16 to 19: In our rooms. 20 pm in Piazza Duomo all meetings and greetings dinner party with entertainment.
10.30 -13.30 Sunday, May 8: In our rooms. (On request, other visits to L'Aquila is).
Ore14: lunch and final meeting in Piazza Duomo.

2_1 rooms, groups - Although The Eagle is still a city in an emergency - we walked and found the "rooms" where we will hold our workshops, in a path that goes from the Villa Comunale (Grand Hotel ) to the Fontana Luminosa (Castle Hotel), so it's easy to find, with eateries with which we agree to a warm welcome to you (see attached map).
§ The study-library will host "Women in Resistance", there will be more working groups around the theme of violence, the militarization of many of the places
our country (as happened in L'Aquila), on a question aloud: because, as women, we are so committed in the territories? And how can we strengthen it and to network among ourselves?
§ § The master bedroom welcomes "violated bodies, desiring bodies" and will therefore double: the first group, we will work on the expropriation of bodies (including bodies with forced migration, exile); in the second, we will wonder how to retrieve the desire and pleasure.
§ § § In the living room, the theme will be "Security, law, market, divided into three groups: the" legality dellevittime "(with social work and legal committees of the families involved in major disasters)," rebuild the rule of law " , "the commons" (at risk of privatization, from water).
§ § § § The kitchen will host "recipes for living well" with creative workshops and the group that will work on "culture as an antidote to commercialism."
§§§§§ In the garden Finally, "Land, land": sustainable production and consumption (first group), "public space of communication" (including "writes Aquila as seeds of reconstruction") in the second group. The work of all the rooms will be opened by "drops of creativity, performances or readings experiences. We considered that some issues will be present in every room: first of all, the theme of work, or the theme of personal and social reconstruction after an experience like that of Aquila. We therefore call for special attention to women dealing with these subjects apparently "drowned", for them to emerge properly.
2_2 Be careful - Our rooms are not very big, you need to book - by April 15 - the group in which you want to stay, write to laquiladonne@gmail.com (ask the associations to designate those who
represent the different groups, and we'll keep in touch, gradually, for better and wider participation).
2_3 words and deeds of a woman - The Eagle is still a city imprisoned by a thousand cold steel Hurdles: closing the lanes, entrances, gardens and remember to Aquila and Aquila who nessno / she is free to move in the center
town. We have suggested - in a recent meeting that we did - to knock them down ... but we would like the May 7 and 8 were plastered with the faces and stories of women, of posters, leaflets, materials that visually do live by the words of women. Do you have any materials? There you can / want to take with you? We will help them to be placed on barriers (it is very easy, many have handles ...), the important thing is that let us know if and what to bring, to organize the visual pathways ... otherwise, do nothing: they hang / oar the same! Same request to those of you who brought an artistic or dramatic: please send all details (and an indication of your logistical needs for their implementation), so that we can make a ladder.
2_4 support the woman's house - Let's start with 309 dead on 6 April 2009 and the destruction to rebuild our own house, the place from which to continue the work and reports from May 9, 2011. Who wants to support the days of May and our project can do so now by sending a bank transfer to: Library Association of Women Melusine - via A. De Gasperi 45 67100 L'Aquila, the second account at the Banca Popolare Etica, IT10C0501803200000000136356. Finally, if you know women who can sponsor our initiative with
their businesses, we know the fairies?
2_5 The name of the House - LaquilaDonna, DonneDiMaggio, CasaMutata? How to call our home? The number of
85 Legendary (www.leggendaria.it) Serenella Ottaviano said to be built this place in L'Aquila for women, for all women who want to live. Write the name of your choice to laquiladonne@gmail.com.
where to find us next: March 17 at 11 Piazza della Fontana Luminosa
symbolically embrace our home


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