Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Do You Know If You Slept With A Transgender

To reflect

The last few lines from the book by Elena Pulcini: "The attention of the world"

... Living in a pluralistic world means knowing how to identify and manage the pathos through it, knowing that it is exposed to insecurity and the constant versatile and complete destruction, that the world is, to quote Arendt,
hopelessly fragile. The world is fragile ... and as a common world, planet, home and life of humanity exposed to global risks individualism unlimited products, and as the world of relationships, at risk of violence produced by communitarianism endogamy.
trusting in vulnerability as a condition for a new creation of the world, and contamination as a condition for the creation of a pluralistic world, is to recognize this weakness, so this award to be learned from the impulse to take care in the world, to launch a "new beginning", unpublished open horizons of possibility; and to hand down to future generations a world that makes sense.


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