Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ache Behind Knee And Back Of Legs


Rachel, do not forget

The true story of Rachel Corrie, an American girl with Palestinian blood
a film by Simone Bitton
France / Belgium, 2008, 100 ' / rachel

The author of The Wall, the Franco-Israeli Simone Bitton, back in the occupied territories with an investigation into the death of Rachel Corrie, the 23 year-old American peace activist killed by an Israeli army bulldozer in March 2003 and was trying to block the demolition of a Palestinian home in Gaza. Like many young people, including Rachel kept a journal where you could make a detailed chronicle of his days and the overwhelming impression of reality with which it came into contact, to share his experience with family and friends back in his Olympia, Wash. . Simone Bitton
reconstructs the dramatic events of that day, showing the first pictures taken by other activists of the group and the Rachel archive of surveillance cameras and giving the word to all those involved in the tragic event in an attempt to draw out the truth from conflicting versions between them. Truth or lie? Explanations or sincere pure propaganda?
The documentary is not just an attempt to identify those responsible, a problem that the Israeli military police cleared quickly, and in which the U.S. government has never required clarification, but also a moving reflection on youth and idealism.

"Rachel Corrie died at 23 years and I have 53, so, quite simply, I pity my youth. In her, I've probably seen the girl at the same time that I was his daughter and I wish I had. While working on the film, I always wondered if she had not died, would have lost its innocence, her purity? It would have been contaminated by "pragmatism" and "realism"? It would, in other words, compromised? If it were not dead, it would still be missing in some other way? I made the film based on this idea. From this feeling of deep intimacy and closeness with this girl who came from afar to die on that cursed land, of which I do not stop, film after film, to tell the bane and beauty. "(Simone Bitton)

Maria Full of Grace
a film by Joshua Marston
Colombia, Ecuador, USA, 2003, 101 '
awarded in many festivals (Berlin, Sundance, Seattle, Deauville)

Maria is a young Colombian girl working in a factory that manufactures rose. With a strong-willed character decides not to submit to harassment in the workplace and seeks a way to earn having also discovered she is pregnant and wanting to keep the baby. Ends up with the acceptance of export drugs into the U.S. carrying it in your stomach. The company has an overall outcome because one of the girls traveling with her in the stomach and exploded a container being killed and gutted to remove the remaining drug. Maria will have to decide what to do with his life and the unborn. Film
caption if you want but effective in showing a very real way by using a young actress whose face really justifies the title. Who does not want to be provocative despite the content. Because we want to remember how difficult (and Mary succeeds) to keep the interior grace in a world that is doing everything a commodity.

"It is not just a movie of the complaint, a report in rates of journalistic realism, however effective and painfully addictive ... It 's a coming of age story, a centrifugal path of liberation in which the protagonist learns the extent to which freedom entails suffering, loss, disorientation, detachment, loneliness .... The 'grace' at the end, it seems to be the availability of this painful openness to the world. "
(from" Il Morandini 2011, Dictionary of the film) Learn


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