Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Does Cheetos Cause Cancer

KAREN ALEKYAN, Armenia x Warning Planet 2011

Virtual Installations

  The mankind today stands in front of ecological disasters, which are a serious threat for the Earth. Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and other unpredictable ecological disasters have become very frequent, taking away the lives of numerous people and cause economical and financial harm in different continents and regions.
  Such an earthquake took place in 1988 in the northern regions of Armenia (the city of Gyumri). Thousands of people were killed and left homeless, about 40% of the country’s industry and economy was paralyzed.
  A lot of years have passed, but up to now there are still half-destroyed constructions, which look like living memory of the disaster. This scenery is in Gyumri. Being ignored, they need interference of the human’s creative mind, modernization. These virtual images are the witnesses of the liquidation of the disaster consequences and implementation of new ideas. It also has an alternative direction to realize the importance of artistic interference as an important support to the development of life. They are also contradictions of optimism, creative mind and imagination to the disastrous environment, lost public territories. The territories, which have unique importance for the society from psychological, esthetic and other points of view.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Karen Alekyan   2011

How Do You Know If You Slept With A Transgender

To reflect

The last few lines from the book by Elena Pulcini: "The attention of the world"

... Living in a pluralistic world means knowing how to identify and manage the pathos through it, knowing that it is exposed to insecurity and the constant versatile and complete destruction, that the world is, to quote Arendt,
hopelessly fragile. The world is fragile ... and as a common world, planet, home and life of humanity exposed to global risks individualism unlimited products, and as the world of relationships, at risk of violence produced by communitarianism endogamy.
trusting in vulnerability as a condition for a new creation of the world, and contamination as a condition for the creation of a pluralistic world, is to recognize this weakness, so this award to be learned from the impulse to take care in the world, to launch a "new beginning", unpublished open horizons of possibility; and to hand down to future generations a world that makes sense.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

List Of Actresses With Hazel Eyes And Brown Hair

Gyumri, ARMENIA earthquake, 1988 - Gohar Galoyan photos (terremoto)

I Am Having Wet Dreams At Age

Meeting L'Aquila on May 7 to 8

2_0 Program - The program of two days of May "make itself", those who join come from stimuli that resonate in the projects that were already developing. The preliminary program is what you find on the site (path to "About Us"). Saturday, May 7

hours 12-17 visits to L'Aquila is " (By reservation). Duration: about an hour.
Hours 16 to 19: In our rooms. 20 pm in Piazza Duomo all meetings and greetings dinner party with entertainment.
10.30 -13.30 Sunday, May 8: In our rooms. (On request, other visits to L'Aquila is).
Ore14: lunch and final meeting in Piazza Duomo.

2_1 rooms, groups - Although The Eagle is still a city in an emergency - we walked and found the "rooms" where we will hold our workshops, in a path that goes from the Villa Comunale (Grand Hotel ) to the Fontana Luminosa (Castle Hotel), so it's easy to find, with eateries with which we agree to a warm welcome to you (see attached map).
§ The study-library will host "Women in Resistance", there will be more working groups around the theme of violence, the militarization of many of the places
our country (as happened in L'Aquila), on a question aloud: because, as women, we are so committed in the territories? And how can we strengthen it and to network among ourselves?
§ § The master bedroom welcomes "violated bodies, desiring bodies" and will therefore double: the first group, we will work on the expropriation of bodies (including bodies with forced migration, exile); in the second, we will wonder how to retrieve the desire and pleasure.
§ § § In the living room, the theme will be "Security, law, market, divided into three groups: the" legality dellevittime "(with social work and legal committees of the families involved in major disasters)," rebuild the rule of law " , "the commons" (at risk of privatization, from water).
§ § § § The kitchen will host "recipes for living well" with creative workshops and the group that will work on "culture as an antidote to commercialism."
§§§§§ In the garden Finally, "Land, land": sustainable production and consumption (first group), "public space of communication" (including "writes Aquila as seeds of reconstruction") in the second group. The work of all the rooms will be opened by "drops of creativity, performances or readings experiences. We considered that some issues will be present in every room: first of all, the theme of work, or the theme of personal and social reconstruction after an experience like that of Aquila. We therefore call for special attention to women dealing with these subjects apparently "drowned", for them to emerge properly.
2_2 Be careful - Our rooms are not very big, you need to book - by April 15 - the group in which you want to stay, write to (ask the associations to designate those who
represent the different groups, and we'll keep in touch, gradually, for better and wider participation).
2_3 words and deeds of a woman - The Eagle is still a city imprisoned by a thousand cold steel Hurdles: closing the lanes, entrances, gardens and remember to Aquila and Aquila who nessno / she is free to move in the center
town. We have suggested - in a recent meeting that we did - to knock them down ... but we would like the May 7 and 8 were plastered with the faces and stories of women, of posters, leaflets, materials that visually do live by the words of women. Do you have any materials? There you can / want to take with you? We will help them to be placed on barriers (it is very easy, many have handles ...), the important thing is that let us know if and what to bring, to organize the visual pathways ... otherwise, do nothing: they hang / oar the same! Same request to those of you who brought an artistic or dramatic: please send all details (and an indication of your logistical needs for their implementation), so that we can make a ladder.
2_4 support the woman's house - Let's start with 309 dead on 6 April 2009 and the destruction to rebuild our own house, the place from which to continue the work and reports from May 9, 2011. Who wants to support the days of May and our project can do so now by sending a bank transfer to: Library Association of Women Melusine - via A. De Gasperi 45 67100 L'Aquila, the second account at the Banca Popolare Etica, IT10C0501803200000000136356. Finally, if you know women who can sponsor our initiative with
their businesses, we know the fairies?
2_5 The name of the House - LaquilaDonna, DonneDiMaggio, CasaMutata? How to call our home? The number of
85 Legendary ( Serenella Ottaviano said to be built this place in L'Aquila for women, for all women who want to live. Write the name of your choice to
where to find us next: March 17 at 11 Piazza della Fontana Luminosa
symbolically embrace our home

Monday, March 14, 2011

Does A Untucked Dress Shirt Look Good?

appeal of the Italian network of women in black for the withdrawal of troops from 'Afghanistan. On the right


Italy is a country at war

not be fought on our soil, but is in place the mechanism of war with all that that entails: increasing military spending, militarization of the territory and minds. The involvement of Italy
military intervention in Afghanistan began in late 2001 they work for the accession to the mission ISAF with the character of "security assistance" and the sending of 350 soldiers.
was to last "at least six months" and cost "tens of billions of lire." Instead
been nearly 10 years.
The mission of "peacekeeping" has become a mission of war, the UN leadership was passed to NATO with a coup in 2003 that light from the weapon of assault, from "read the rules of engagement" to rules increasingly heavy initial military from 350 to 1000 of 2003 up to 3900 of 2010 and 4200 today.
beginning of the mission, the total cost was 3 billion 100 million euro, and continues to cost 65 million € per month.
The refinancing of the military is now every six months so bipartisan, with some exceptions, in violation of Article. 11 of the Constitution.
All this without ever re-discuss in Parliament achievements, successes and failures.
E 'success in February.
Only for the mission in Afghanistan for the first six months of 2011 has been allocated € 410 million (2.26 million per day), while more and more skimpy is the financing for reconstruction projects and assistance (16 million in just six months ).
In the face of ferocious cuts to school, culture, science, health, local authorities and the Environment, in Italy we see the field of armaments and military expenditure does not ever suffer any reduction, contrary to what happens in other European countries.
Since 2006 in Italy there was an increase in military spending by 28% and for 2011 is expected to further increase of 8, 4%. Added to this are funds for the Ministry of Development, but, to new weapons systems, which add up to € 1.5 billion for military missions abroad. The total
then reach the 24.3 billion euro. Among the projects funded is also the purchase of 131 F35 fighter-bombers at a cost of € 16 billion and that of ten frigates at a cost of 5.6 billion euro. The war in
Afghanistan is part of the strategic concept of NATO, as defined in the Lisbon summit on November 20 of 2010, which is increasingly nell'inglobare member countries and intervene when their interests are "threatened", thereby creating a form of world domination and a continuous threat to peace. We
Women in Black have always been against the war, so even against the military intervention in Afghanistan.

now denounce the failure of all initial objectives DECLARED:
liberate Afghan women.

The reality is quite different: the Taliban have regained control of the two thirds of the country, Karzai was elected with the fraud, the conflict has spread to Pakistan, and opium warlords in control, poverty now affects 80% of the population, the increase in opium production now reached 93% of everything produced in the world, rampant corruption, the lives of women has deteriorated to the point that the suicides have increased to unprecedented levels (women between 18 and 35 years for setting fire to escape the unbearable violence their fate).
The Karzai government has reintroduced the "Ministry of Vice and Virtue" and has signed a law that Shiite women can not refuse sexual intercourse with her husband, can not go to school, doctor, work unaccompanied men.

Now is issuing a law that puts it under direct government control of the safe houses for battered women, previously run by Afghan NGOs. To target women shelters must be accompanied by a male relative and returned to families who request it.

If political exchanges continue to be so severe on the body and the life of women is also responsible for "liberating countries" including Italy, who initially had pledged to rebuild the Afghan judicial system and, if these are the results, is accountable to the millions invested. We
Women in Black In recent years we have relationships with braided Associations
Afghan women (RAWA HAWCA, OPAWC) that have been a valuable source of evidence and we have made known the courageous resilience of unarmed women and people of Afghanistan.
These women and diverse voices of civil society is democratic and nonviolent resistance of the Afghan people and ask for our support to bring an end to military occupation, which suggests to them first thing in the end the bombardments, the main (though not only) responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 civilians since the war began.


NOT ALLOW THE AFGHANISTAN become yet another large military base

March 2011

should cut military spending, not participating in this war and the other dealt for humanitarian missions and invest the saved resources to the real areas of interest "strategic". public schools, universities and research.

The data in this appeal are taken from the press and mainly on the following sites:
http://www.osservatorioafghanistan. org / http://www. /

Friday, March 4, 2011

Should I Use Amlactin On My Face


With the young jasmine - Supporting civil society the Arab world

Protect and welcome refugees - No military intervention


accept refugees from Libya

The wind of change blowing over the Mediterranean brings so much hope but also many risks. A whole generation of young people trying dearly to take up their future, to write a new history for their country and the world, amid a thousand difficulties. For those young people and those people should be offered practical support now.

We want to do, while helping the Tunisian civil society to ensure hospitality and assistance to tens of thousands of refugees fleeing from Libya. Are already doing, with few resources and so much solidarity.

Supporting democratic civil society of the countries bordering on the south shore of the Mediterranean is essential to help the democratization process. Just concerned with humanitarian interventions, which lead to militarization, neo-colonialism and exploitation of local resources.

The north African, African refugees, fleeing the violence of Libyan Gaddafi should be protected and supported, both in the areas of origin in Europe, with open borders - as called for by the UNHCR - and recognizing them in Italy and EU countries, the right to temporary protection.

policies of plunder and closure of the borders of the West have produced poverty, exploitation and for decades helped the repression of any form of social organization. They helped to strengthen authoritarian regimes, allowing the concentration of wealth in few hands and power. This situation can be reversed by opening the borders and giving back to the Arab people of its resources through support to civil society.

The recognition of the right to leave and the right to remain are the two sides of same coin, is what allows the emergence of a genuine process of democratization. The role of the European institutions and governments is essential. The support given to dictators for years now requires an assumption of full responsibility. But we also believe that each of us, for that belongs to him, can help write a new page of history in that area of \u200b\u200bthe world.

why we promote a fundraiser to support refugees in flight from Libya, which will deliver funds to grassroots organizations that are present in the Tunisian areas of crisis and are already working for the warmth of tens of thousands of people.

resources are needed for the purchase of tents and food on site to ensure that solidarity will turn into someone enrichment and new forms of hoarding territories.

The crisis in Libya should not be used to gain positions of power in the area. It is unacceptable that a humanitarian crisis once again being used to ensure the economic, military and strategic rich countries.

Support the Tunisian civil society, receive and protect refugees, to help the democratization of the Maghreb. Each of us can do its part, the right side.

You can subscribe to the current account opened with Banca Etica payable to

Association Arci - The Mediterranean jasmine. Iban IT06V0501803200000000136632

For information and payments also call the toll free number 800999977


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dirt Bike Themed Cake

If not now when: March 8 with Afghan women in Piazza dei Signori from 17.30 to 19.30

March 8 with Afghan women living

As Afghan women after 10 years of a war waged to bring democracy to and improve the status of women

Karzai's government, having reintroduced the infamous "Ministry of Vice and Virtue", after signing a law that women can not refuse to have sex with her husband and can not go to work, doctor or school without permission, is now issuing a law according to which:

the shelters for abused women will pass by the Afghan NGO management control of the Ministry of Women Affairs;
some shelters will be closed;
go to shelters for women must be accompanied by a male relative or husband;
shelters within the teaching of Islamic religion will be required;
accepted women in shelters and will be obliged to undergo constant "medical examinations" for the monitoring of their sexual activity;
the staff of the shelter will give the woman the family that requires them to return home for any reason.

For some time the shelters for abused women were objects of threats. For example, a twelve year old girl from the region of Herat has asked to be accepted into a shelter, but the government, under pressure from an elected official, did return the girl to the family who then killed and cut into pieces in Takhar a woman cries in vain to seek justice against the nephew of a member of Parliament has kidnapped, having kidnapped and then killed her daughter and that the Government Afghanistan is considered normal.
Now the shelters for abused women should go under the direct control of the government, one of the most corrupt in the world! And it is on women's bodies that the Karzai government intends to achieve mediation with the fundamentalists and the Taliban.

And all that Italy also has direct responsibility. In addition to participating in a 10 year war that led to the bombing deaths of some 40,000 civilians, Italy in Afghanistan has the specific task of reorganizing the justice project that between 2001 and 2011, has invested hundreds of millions of euro. The Italian government and political forces that supported and still support the military intervention in Afghanistan will have to explain how the funds have been invested to rebuild the Afghan judicial system, since in recent years have been enacted laws that penalize heavily Rights human and, in particular, the rights of Afghan women.

Today March 8 we express our closeness to Zoya, a Mehooda at Malalai Ioya, all the other activists for the rights of Afghan women and to all Afghan women. Together with them we ask
end the occupation and the withdrawal of all foreign troops.

Women in Black
Padova March 8, 2011

Ache Behind Knee And Back Of Legs


Rachel, do not forget

The true story of Rachel Corrie, an American girl with Palestinian blood
a film by Simone Bitton
France / Belgium, 2008, 100 ' / rachel

The author of The Wall, the Franco-Israeli Simone Bitton, back in the occupied territories with an investigation into the death of Rachel Corrie, the 23 year-old American peace activist killed by an Israeli army bulldozer in March 2003 and was trying to block the demolition of a Palestinian home in Gaza. Like many young people, including Rachel kept a journal where you could make a detailed chronicle of his days and the overwhelming impression of reality with which it came into contact, to share his experience with family and friends back in his Olympia, Wash. . Simone Bitton
reconstructs the dramatic events of that day, showing the first pictures taken by other activists of the group and the Rachel archive of surveillance cameras and giving the word to all those involved in the tragic event in an attempt to draw out the truth from conflicting versions between them. Truth or lie? Explanations or sincere pure propaganda?
The documentary is not just an attempt to identify those responsible, a problem that the Israeli military police cleared quickly, and in which the U.S. government has never required clarification, but also a moving reflection on youth and idealism.

"Rachel Corrie died at 23 years and I have 53, so, quite simply, I pity my youth. In her, I've probably seen the girl at the same time that I was his daughter and I wish I had. While working on the film, I always wondered if she had not died, would have lost its innocence, her purity? It would have been contaminated by "pragmatism" and "realism"? It would, in other words, compromised? If it were not dead, it would still be missing in some other way? I made the film based on this idea. From this feeling of deep intimacy and closeness with this girl who came from afar to die on that cursed land, of which I do not stop, film after film, to tell the bane and beauty. "(Simone Bitton)

Maria Full of Grace
a film by Joshua Marston
Colombia, Ecuador, USA, 2003, 101 '
awarded in many festivals (Berlin, Sundance, Seattle, Deauville)

Maria is a young Colombian girl working in a factory that manufactures rose. With a strong-willed character decides not to submit to harassment in the workplace and seeks a way to earn having also discovered she is pregnant and wanting to keep the baby. Ends up with the acceptance of export drugs into the U.S. carrying it in your stomach. The company has an overall outcome because one of the girls traveling with her in the stomach and exploded a container being killed and gutted to remove the remaining drug. Maria will have to decide what to do with his life and the unborn. Film
caption if you want but effective in showing a very real way by using a young actress whose face really justifies the title. Who does not want to be provocative despite the content. Because we want to remember how difficult (and Mary succeeds) to keep the interior grace in a world that is doing everything a commodity.

"It is not just a movie of the complaint, a report in rates of journalistic realism, however effective and painfully addictive ... It 's a coming of age story, a centrifugal path of liberation in which the protagonist learns the extent to which freedom entails suffering, loss, disorientation, detachment, loneliness .... The 'grace' at the end, it seems to be the availability of this painful openness to the world. "
(from" Il Morandini 2011, Dictionary of the film) Learn

Gay Bathrooms Toronto

stories on film the lives of women

love and knowledge of reality to make life more human

Women in Black and PANDORA CENTER sponsored by the City of Padua

invite you to two nights at the cinema on the occasion of International Women's Day

March 9, 2011: RACHEL
. The true story of Rachel Corrie, an American girl with Palestinian blood, a film by Simone Bitton - READ BEFORE

March 10, 2011:
Maria Full of Grace, a film by Joshua Marston

Carotta Fornace, via Siracusa, 20.45

two different stories of young women to help us reflect and understand that life is in our hands and we can make it more human. For
don forget those who, like Rachel Corrie, before being buried alive by an Israeli bulldozer wrote: "I am discovering an extraordinary strength and an extraordinary ability to keep the human element of being human even in the most terrible - I had not even ever experienced so strongly .. "Marie
To remember the many who are struggling hard to keep the interior grace in a world that is doing everything a commodity. FREE ADMISSION

Women in Black: Center Pandora:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Build Free Arm Tribuchet

initiatives in several municipalities on femicide in Mexico again on

March 5, 2011: v PADOVA Feminicide

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, the most violent city in Mexico, one of the most violent in the world. There are still women, mothers who mourn their daughters, to seek justice. In total impunity since 1993 are more than 600 cases of femicide, thousands missing and more than 300 murders of women in 2010 alone.

never femicide

We want to be alongside these women, reassure them as if they were here with us, confident that international solidarity can be a powerful tool to protect and boost feminicide ensure that those responsible are brought to justice.

Therefore, adhering alI'appello Communities in Turin, Bologna, Ferrara, Florence and Genoa, calling on other Italian cities rose to light their important monument, the City of Padua light on the evening of March 5, the Clock Tower.
When the Mothers of Juarez found the poor remains of his daughters rose planted a cross, they have become the worldwide symbol of their struggle, as they taught the Argentinian Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, is a cry that never goes out: Memory, truth, justice.

the same day in the Hall of Hell Carotta, in Syracuse, to 17.30, the film will be screened by Alejandra Sanchez and Jose Antonio Cordero Bajo Juarez

the city devouring its daughters


El Viavox Para Que Sirve

Mattie & Ki

Here is a little spoiled with the image color (watercolor) XD
Subjects Mattie (mother) and Ki (daughter) from the book Bag of Bones by Stephen King. They are two characters who have struck me particularly and I tried to play as I thought ^ ^ I'm a little strop
: s, but ok, XD

you soon!
