Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How Long Will A Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Bleed

"The mayor is not to blame for the smog in the city"??

A ruling nothing short of staggering. According to the Court of Florence fine must be fought at the transnational level and therefore are of little use to the efforts of local authorities. One of the defense lawyers (in this case, the former governor of Tuscany Region, Claudio Martini) is even able to declare "One third of the composition of PM10 is determined by [...] international factors, therefore, only the European Union can provide effective action. "
1) the EU is not an abstract entity or a ghost to conjure when you are in a fit of delirium and despair. It 'a political system consisting of states made up of local and regional authorities which, through institutional channels and provided a typically European governance, may also contribute to the development of Community legislation and must implement it according to preset modes;
2) Local authorities, therefore, are relevant EU actors;
3) Local authorities play a key role in the fight against climate change climate, and thus the EU package of climate and energy, why is the level of government closest to citizens, an ideal position to delineate the most effective strategies. The "Covenant of Mayors , sponsored by the European Commission and the Committee of Regions, is an example: an initiative signed by as many as 1726 European cities (Florence is not among these) they undertake to respect the objectives of EU energy policy in terms of reducing CO2 emissions through improved energy efficiency, production and more sustainable use of energy;
4) this ruling could set a precedent, and So ... goodbye to all local policies against pollution!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tamagotchi Para Symbian

Brussels, May 12, 2010 With President

The day of my last college lecture. The end of an era. How many memories. How many years have passed since the first day of school. I have vague memories of that day, but it helps me to remember a few pictures, a gloomy day, a large board on the back, a black blouse and a smiling face, but a little afraid to start this new adventure. How many pleasant memories, I met many friends, many laughs, how many books, how many exams, how many questions, so many checks and how much satisfaction ...
Eeeeeh, student life ... I miss him already a little ...

How ,ong Does It Take For A Gas Stove To Warm Up

Part of ' intervention in Marsala President Napolitano on the occasion of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the landing of a thousand would be carved on the Altar of the Fatherland.
"It is painful that can be considered only from anywhere in South or North, you balbettino reviews liquidators on the achievement of the Unit, denying the leap that all of Italy, joining, made to entry to sail in modern Europe. While those who are trying to imagine or envisage a further fragmentation of the nation state through secession or separation, however conceived, grow a real leap in the dark. In the dark, I mean, in a globalized world that requires cohesion of the nation states of Europe within a more highly integrated macro and in disarray. We leave these things to joke with some unscrupulous foreign newspaper. "
a speech suitable to other EU countries. Belgium in the first place.

Monday, May 10, 2010

South Park Who Is Mysterio 2010

summary ...

€ 750 billion is the sum total of the maxi-plan (" ETF stabilization ") as follows:
- € 60 billion allocated by all EU Member States under Article .122 of the Lisbon Treaty and will be managed by the Commission;
- € 440 billion is the amount of the fund that could be made available in the event a state eurozone is in the same circumstances prevailing in Greece. E 'intergovernmental method adopted by a fund (which did not participate in particular the UK). If necessary will be used through bilateral agreements;
- € 250 billion allocated by the IMF.
The markets are reacting very well. It has injected a healthy dose of confidence. The great
is protagonist, Germany has, however, paid the consequences of this European effort.
Angela Merkel's party has in fact been defeated in regional elections in North Rhine-Westphalia. Once again citizens are unable to digest the necessary "solidarity" the European Union.
bad, bad, bad.
Merkel maggiornaza then lost in the federal Senate, this will cause some difficulties for the government.
The United Kingdom will certainly not be free from turmoil in the government. The coalition that seems to loom between Cameron and Clegg will cause sparks.
Two major EU countries are therefore at the mercy of problems not only economic but also political.
Hard times in Europe ...

How Humid Should A Leopard Gecko Tank Be

Ecofin / 4

Eventually they made it. Here are Ecofin conclusions.
The next event is scheduled for Wednesday. A new Ecofin meeting will take place in Brussels, together at the top of the ECB and the Commission to give birth to the first meeting of the EU task force that will have to reform the Stability and Growth Pact.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

How Do You Close A Nest In Amateur Surgeon

Ecofin / 3

It 's almost one and the Ecofin straordianrio not yet finished. 7 hours later than expected time of completion is a clear sign of the difficulties of the 27 finance ministers are meeting. Several proposals have been leaked unofficial, but the final plan is still missing. Among Asian stocks open up a few minutes. The absence of a political project to lift the euro and the Member States of the Union might screw cause heavy losses in financial markets.
Today was difficult to celebrate Europe. Let's see if we can recover tomorrow.

Severe Headache After 1 Week After Giving Birth

Ecofin / 2

Carry a phrase book I'm reading: "[EU] enlargment May Simply divert financial and human resources away from the more pressing problems of the Developing World. [...] Economic recovery in Eastern Europe Should Be Considered threats to Africa's well-being. "
... it would be interesting to read the reports drawn up by diplomats of the many developing countries ambassadors accredited to the EU on the bottom save-states will be (?) today adopted and directed to the substantial aid to Greece ...

Synyster Gates Haricut

Ecofin / 1

seems that the UK has fate on his side also.
The German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble (67 years), who had to bear more strongly bottom-saving states, was rushed to a hospital in Brussels. The ministry spokesman said Schäuble "is well taken against the circumstances." The circumstances alluded to the spokesman were not specified, but presumed to be due to the state's health minister. Schäuble it still suffers the after effects of an assassination attempt in 1990 during an electoral event. Because of the serious injuries the current German finance minister, is now paralyzed and is forced to use a wheelchair.
Another obstacle to the already difficult negotiations so today. The press conference for 18:00 has been delayed, but so far no "expected start-time" has been notified.

Whippings In The Movies

"Europe can not hesitate, but hinders

Today, Europe Day, here are two leaders in Brussels that the Commission first and then the Ecofin that will analyze and evaluate the plan proposed by the Commission.
But it seems to miss a strong common political will. Great responsibility rests leaders today, but national interests seem to upset the European plan-saving states. London in fact should not participate in the European rescue fund.
understandable position given that the UK is already doing to deal with a high deficit, and above all a currency other than that which is currently in the spotlight.
So this afternoon if the Ecofin should be prevented from voting against and by the strong opposition of the United Kingdom, I think it should all'istitutione proceeds of a fund for just 16 euro zone states (even if the British vote is not jeopardized the adoption of a common fund because it is sufficient to reach unanimity maggiornaza skilled and unskilled). Nothing So serious. And very understandable ...
I would also like to emphasize the reinforcement of the Washington-Berlin. The contacts between Chancellor Merkel and President Obama are almost daily, the "special relashionship" in the economy seems to have left the UK for the sake of Germany, the country's leading coalition for economic support to the fund-saving states and oppose the attempts British to form a blocking minority in the Council.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Taarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma

London UK General Elections / 3

It 's true: the spring is the season of love and courtship. Even the political courtship. The object of political desire is Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, the suitors are Brown and Cameron. The expected outcome of the election has created a "hung Parliament" which forces the two major parties in a coalition with the party of the charismatic Clegg.
the weekend consultations will take place Monday and the Queen will meet the new Prime Minister (in the meantime " the Queen Keeps her distance as leaders jostle for power ). So who will be the new PM? I think Cameron. Will he win the support of the young Clegg.
on European issues but the two have many problems. Divergent positions, not to say the opposite, cause internal fractures in the coalition such deep and irreparable, forcing Cameron to call new elections within a few months.
A solution therefore precarious.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Pregnant Pomeranian Has A Hernia

UK General Elections / 2

"In silence, the Queen expects his cabinet secretary, Sir Gus O'Donnell, the signals that it is time to call a new Premier in Buckingham Palace. It would be the twelfth. The first was, indeed, the disenchanted Churchill. "
... a beautiful image that gives us the Aldo Cazzullo Courier today.

Gay Spot To Cruise In Columbia South Carolina

UK General Elections / 1

Nick Clegg. If I were British I would vote for him today.
The "compassionate conservatism" Cameron could convince me, but it is too Eurosceptic. The decision to create a new Euro Group in the European Parliament is the clear evidence.
Prediction: Cameron's new PM of a minority government, Clegg gives external support.
await the results.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mild Tenting Of The Left Hemidiaphragm


's amazing how a small, peripheral country can threaten the soundness of the largest economy in the world. With its contribution of 2.6% so the euro-zone GDP, Greece is able to shake the whole of Europe.
Public Accounts forged a deficit of 13.6% and a debt of 115% of GDP, a non-existent growth, a development non-competitive exports and a minor population dissatisfied and irritated are the main features of the country of Greece.
Strikes general these days do nothing but worsen the situation. The violent clashes have caused even the death of three people. Tension is high. Greek friends refer to what is more critical than the sitauzione is narrated by television and newspapers.
However, the greek government is taking measures necessary and appropriate to the situation. It is capable of showing knowing how to act in a time of severe crisis.
The Greeks should be proud of. If Greece is in a sorry state is because the entire population has not been able to make choices (political-economic-social) correct and courageous in the past.
And meanwhile here in Brussels, the atmosphere is heavy ...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Blood Vessel Popped In Breast

The EU is! and Greece? G & G

Yesterday afternoon I passed the Council and, as with any important meeting, a crowd of journalists waiting for the response of the meeting of finance ministers from the 27, the Eurogroup. The outcome was positive: there was an agreement and Greece will be supported financially by the EU and the IMF. Wise and predictable after the German consensus and commitment of the Prime Minister Papandreou to adopt policies certainly not "cruel and brutal, as were defined by the unions, but simply necessary. E 'futile strike 24, even 48 hours ... Greece must change and improve the banner of financial discipline, efficiency, respect for legality, competition, meritocracy and productivity. The EU has been supportive, now Greece should be responsible. The austerity plan announced by Papandreou is in the right direction.