Thursday, November 18, 2010

Suctioning Flem Out Of Babys Throat

Women in Black and not only in Italy and in several European countries demonstrated against NATO

Lisbon 19, 20, Nov. 21 - NATO Summit


demonstrated in PADOVA, while dozens of other cities in Italy and Europe, to say that - in the silence of great information - in Lisbon are taking dangerous decisions that make it difficult the path of peace in the world.

As women manifest against NATO because :

  • not want a world dominated by the logic of weapons;

  • women suffer most from the effects of the war, the majority of victims are civilians, refugees and displaced thousands more have no means of survival;

  • NATO's military spending meant less money for education, health and other much needed services to women who sustain most of the weight of domestic life, the government cuts social spending, not military ones;

  • with bases and military presence increased violence against women and sexual exploitation.

NATO does not help the defense and security:

  • E 'military alliance that passes over to the UN and the system of international law,

  • accelerates the militarization of the world,

  • increases the costs for the shipping companies (75% of world military expenditure is the NATO countries).

  • since 1999 has gone from a defense strategy to a strategy of extended to the whole world, wherever they deem it threatened the "interests" of member countries.

  • In 1999, NATO has promoted the Balkan war, calling it "humanitarian war".

  • 9 years is carrying out a brutal war in Afghanistan , the stated objective, clearly unattainable, to "defeat terrorism" and "bring democracy" while the situation for the civilian population is increasingly tragic.

In the NATO summit on 19-21 November will be adopted a new Strategic Concept. NATO again engage in strategies that concern us: increasing the number of members, military expansionism, the militarization of Europe, the maintenance of nuclear weapons .

Among other things might also be ratified the decision to transfer
Italy (Aviano) all U.S. nuclear warheads throughout mainland Europe . Italian territory is now covered with military bases: there are more than 100, from Bolzano to Lampedusa, and make our country an accomplice to the armed intervention in the world, these structures are a serious danger to the security of citizens, exposing them to risk of accidents, pollution and the possibility of terrorist attacks.

As women, want to clarify that we do not see any NATO's role for our security . True security comes from peaceful negotiations and settlement of non-violent conflict:

We reject that the global and regional crisis response is always the military. refuse to live in terror of nuclear weapons and reject a new arms race. reject that public money is wasted on weapons and military enterprises.

In particular, knowing by Afghan women suffering caused by war, we strongly the withdrawal of all troops from the Italian, Afghanistan .

Women in Black of Padua


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