Sunday, November 7, 2010

Acetyl- L-carnitine With Adderall

on the meeting of the International Women in Black

I think, along with other women, it is necessary to reflect on this fact. Barberina


"Bodies and Territories without war or violence"

Dear friends

Women in Black in the world,

first like to send our greetings, with the conviction that, in every corner of the planet, we women of this network, we are opposing the arms race, militarism , wars and even violence, because any violent action against other human beings and also against nature is an affront to humanity and the planet, for these reasons we are committed to eradicate them from our lives and our bodies. We know that this political position keeps us together.

We write this letter to inform you that unfortunately there are no conditions to achieve our Network meeting Women in Black in November this year. We have been forced to make this decision because, in a month and a half after the event, had recorded only six women. We launched an SOS and registrations have increased to 16. We would have liked that a significant number of women had responded, but it was not the case.

We are aware of the difficulties caused by this decision, especially for women who have already bought the ticket, hopefully they can get a new reservation. We thought and we felt that a meeting with 16 international participants was insufficient to carry out a task of this nature, we believe in fact that these meetings serve to redefine, exchange, keeping the movement in the world. Meanwhile, Colombian women for us, the Encounter is an international initiative that is with us against the war, in an internal armed conflict that has lasted more than 45 years and left more than 4 million people and a strong human degradation and social injustice.

regard to the concerns expressed by some women of the web, on our ability to achieve it, we tell them that it is not for lack of ability but for lack of participation by women in the Network that we have taken this decision, as have well explained that some have written, is something that should be analyzed from the co-responsibility, in this process because we have heard many silences to be part of all: we had expected more support from the network, especially in urging women to come in the Meeting that this could take place with an appropriate international representation.

La Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres is part of the WIB since 2001 and our participation was provided by about 300 women and maybe more. But in reality it is not an event for the Ruta Pacifica, is to realize the XV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF WOMEN IN BLACK and for that we sought the help of all.

We carried out the activities necessary to achieve the meeting, we had almost already made, we have a website, vision, strategies to advertise, we have undertaken many initiatives, private places to welcome, the proposed themes, methods, symbols, translations prepared ... and for this we confirm our willingness to achieve the third week of August 2011, obviously if the network is in agreement.

However, if there are more please notify as soon as possible. Please also tell us the willingness to come to the dates proposed for 2011, you will understand that it would be very expensive for us at all levels, it will repeat the same situation again next year.

In addition, we would like very much to make concrete proposals from the women of London, those who already have a ticket, will be in November, would be helpful if we could come together and contribute to the preparation of this meeting for us is of great importance and also participate in certain activities for November 25, Day of No Violence against Women.

will restore the amount paid for the membership to women who request it, if you decide to postpone your coming please let us know.

Please note that the date that is returned to the XV International Meeting of Women in Black is 15 to 20 August 2011.

A hug from Colombia in sisterhood.

salute you

Marina Gallego

National Coordinator

Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres

Shima Pardo


XV International Meeting DiN


Explanatory note

Taking into account the request of some women to inform the investment made by us so far, we must tell you that to date has invested approximately 50.000l dollars, 70% of which will be recovered, if the Meeting will take place in August 2011. Otherwise we would lose everything.

irrecoverable losses to date amount to $ 15,000: Due to the change of date, the Centro de Convenciones made us pay a fine, and also the cost of advertising materials already in place are not recoverable.

Les Pertes irrécuperables jusqu'à présent à if montent 15,000 dólares: du au changement de dates, nous at the Centre des Conventions infligé une amende; the matériel publicitaire que nous est aussi processes Avions déjà perdu ..

Bogotá, 4 November 2010.


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