Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How To Tell Fake Timberlands

PAOLO FACCHINETTI artworks x W PLANET expo 2010

"Sequenza 114" - 2005 / olio your picture cm.18, 7x13, 7

un'onda impetuous and malignant Come massa di colore ed travolge ingloba il marry you costruite with cartoncino dai bambini. Just a macchia
Improvvisa ed report, a gesture per sconvolgere per semper incontrollato the parrot Meravigliosa e immagine del nostro mondo.


As a fierce and vicious wave of color encompasses mass-built homes with posters by children. Just a spot
amorphous, improvised, uncontrolled gesture to transform forever the wonderful picture of their world and ours. Paolo Facchinetti


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