Friday, October 29, 2010

Black Huy With Gauges

warning mutamenti - Massimo Nardi x W PLANET

The environment is a common good for humanity, the negative ecological interdependence, due to the fact that pollution knows no boundaries, means that men must necessarily address the ecological question.
The quality of the environment is considered a prerequisite for effective improvement of the quality of life. The work changes intended to be a positive change to the environment. Massimo Nardi

Traducción AL ESPAÑOL: El

environment es un bien común para la Humanidad, the Interdependence adverse ecological hecho debido to the inclinamiento takes no limites, you hare que los hombres Deban necesaria Afront the ecological question. The environment of
calidad es considerada el presupuesto indispensable para un efectivo el mejoramiento appropriate given environment. Massimo Nardi


30x30 de Leonardo Basile

There are several hypotheses about the "end of Planet Earth," man-made disaster in a way and or another, all, charming and a little science fiction. To these he adds, that inexorable far into the future, and that is linked to the motion in space of the Milky Way, our galaxy. They say that in about tre miliardi di anni la nostra Galassia (??), if scontrerà with Messier M31, Spiral Galassia un'altra che da noi far attuale 2.2 milioni di anni luce.


There are several hypotheses about the end of planet Earth, caused by humans in one way or another, all fascinating and a little fantasy-scientific. These are joined by one, that inevitable, distant in time, and is that bequeathed to the movement in space of the Milky Way galaxy. They say that within about 3 million years (?) Galaxy M31 Messier will find another spiral galaxy that is far from us now 2.2 million light years.


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