Friday, July 9, 2010

How To Get Rid Of A Bloated Looking Stomach

Not to forget Srebrenica

July 11, 1995 - 11 July 2010
For the memory of Srebrenica is the source of life
of what happened throughout the "former Yugoslavia" since 1992, are not only responsible parties involved in the conflict: the international community can not wash its hands, in fact, at best, he looked away, pretending not to see, and when it took place, has proved to be weak, helpless and, in some situations co-responsible and complicit.
In Srebrenica, has bottomed out: The UN peacekeepers have become complicit in the genocide.
Since then our confidence in the UN, already well established, it is seriously flawed.
No peace without justice can not start a new life if you do not have clarity about the past, this means in practice identify those responsible and bring them to justice, not only those who planned and committed the genocide physically, but also those who - like the UN - has been left to watch and do.
Justice also means allowing the families of the victims, survivors and survivors, to face with dignity to their lives so cruelly devastated, in a peaceful environment.
We are convinced however that, for tragedies such as Srebrenica never happen again, even this is enough: we need a change in the structure of the UN, the so-called great powers to turn off the levers of control, so that it can play an effective intervention and protection of civilians.
We are responsible, then perhaps had not shouted loud enough to denounce and demand justice, we took on board - and continue to do so -, not to fall silent on the Srebrenica massacres and all other which continue to be fulfilled in the world tramples on human rights and international law, to claim that they found the responsibility, especially the United Nations and our government to work to give credibility to the institutions responsible for the maintenance of peace let us voice the families of victims and survivors and survivors in their legitimate claims.
Because this date is not a celebration of a ritual that leaves things as they are, because on July 11 does not become an excuse for forgetting oneself a good conscience then, all other days, the suffering and injustice that those who are still alive continue to suffer.
To them, the families of the victims, survivors and survivors, we say:
"Forgive me if we ever raised our voices strong, we want to be at your side and support your claims. Thank you for your tenacity in continuing efforts to truth and justice. Do not give up, but not consecrated your life to mourning. You live for those who are no longer "

Women in Black of Padua


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