Friday, July 9, 2010

How Lng After Drinking Myanta Can You Dink

The Pillar of Shame

Azra Nuhefendić July 8, 2010

initiative with a strong symbolic impact. With which the promoters intend to denounce the genocide in Srebrenica and the UN's responsibility for what happened. The project "Pillar of Shame" is intended to erect a sculpture full of shoes in memory of the 8,372 victims

To mark the fifteenth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, was launched in Berlin on the project "Pillar of Shame . The project aims to build a sculpture to commemorate the responsibility of politicians and Western military about the genocide in Srebrenica.

It involves the construction of two giant letters "U" and "N", filled with 16,744 shoes to symbolize the 8,372 victims of the genocide. The construction of the "Pillar of Shame" will take a year and should be completed for 'July 11, 2011.

"The sculpture is a metaphor for the huge mess made by the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including Srebrenica, whose misdeeds were never discussed in the World" said Philip Ruh (Philipp Ruch), director of the Center for Politics of Beauty "in Berlin, the promoter of the" Pillar of Shame.

In a letter sent to UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, Philipp Ruch, writes: "We decided to support the mothers of Srebrenica accusing you, but not before a judge. We will do this through an image that will represent you have to take the burden on his shoulders, and once again condemns the abuse your unprecedented happened in Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina. rapists and murderers you have mixed with the victims and have said that they are all guilty. Do not continue to see to your unarmed conspiracies " , writes bluntly Ruch.

In the letter, in addition to accuse the UN of an absolute lack of respect for victims' the genocide, says that every year the United Nations ignored written requests to Hasan Nuhanovic, a survivor of the genocide, to show a flag at half mast in front of UN headquarters in New York on July 11.

Philipp Ruch explained how the idea of \u200b\u200bthe shoe, "I thought about what it is that everyone has at home. They all have shoes and boots and shoes are also the object that survives the most corpses. I therefore decided to use his shoes to symbolize the victims, joined in the monument to shame. "

The shoes will be exhibited at The Hague, Berlin, and then at the Memorial Center Potocari, the burial place of victims of genocide. In each Potocari July 11 are buried the corpses of the victims found in mass graves, and identified during the past year. the project "Pillar of Shame, is also supported by the International Society for Threatened Peoples.

The shoes collected so far are on display in The Hague, where he is conducting the trial of Radovan Karadzic.

On 11 July, for the fifteenth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, the shoes will be exhibited in Berlin in front of the Brandenburg Gate, considered the biggest tourist attraction in the city.

The "Pillar of shame "expected to donate their shoes to be ordinary citizens and popular characters, even outside the Bosnian border. While you are photographed barefoot, are invited to express what they think of Bosnia and Herzegovina or hope for its future.


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