Monday, August 23, 2010

Nic Rabbit Cage Template

and any XD ^ ^

Here are some drawings I did in this period, made in a hurry before my nephew noticed that I had a pencil ... I took away from the hands and the hard living together XD! eeeeh ... the houses at the sea ... big trouble: S XD cmq
here they are uu

I call "The Nymph Lake" (do not ask why), this goes to a particular ringraziamanto Angelo Mole gave me some inspiration: P!

This I did in June: an illustration for the fable The Baule Volante I was going to play to practice this summer ...

what you can do behind a calendar page! The first is the character of the flying trunk are two other tailors XD XD (drawings meaningless uu)

And finally here's a diver to take up the issue XD XD summer

Who knows how many errors there are in these pictures: S but

vabbèèèèè! to prossimaaaa!



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