Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sasusaku School Lemon

muscles ... big problem! Various

is published (for the happiness of Orny) I've done some studies on oh God ... the muscles culturistiii OO! XD Anyway the differences found is the first man and the other is a woman XD

Finally instead of what I liked most is obviously not a bodybuilder *.* XD
I apologize for any errors that there will be XD
A prestoooos!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Nic Rabbit Cage Template

and any XD ^ ^

Here are some drawings I did in this period, made in a hurry before my nephew noticed that I had a pencil ... I took away from the hands and the hard living together XD! eeeeh ... the houses at the sea ... big trouble: S XD cmq
here they are uu

I call "The Nymph Lake" (do not ask why), this goes to a particular ringraziamanto Angelo Mole gave me some inspiration: P!

This I did in June: an illustration for the fable The Baule Volante I was going to play to practice this summer ...

what you can do behind a calendar page! The first is the character of the flying trunk are two other tailors XD XD (drawings meaningless uu)

And finally here's a diver to take up the issue XD XD summer

Who knows how many errors there are in these pictures: S but

vabbèèèèè! to prossimaaaa!


Lump On The Gum Above A Broken Tooth

The Jungle Book! Old exercises

Few studies I did on this beautiful cardboard *.*! I want to do many other

Hunter Thermostat 5 Wire

Salveee! I am, as usual, after so long ... These
are the environments that we made during the course of the master Massimo Asaro: p!
are those in which I enjoyed more ^ ^: Clarabelle's Kitchen (if not mistaken) and a television studio XD

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting A Doctors Note In Toronto

Bachelor Picconato

E 'dead President Emeritus of the Republic Francesco Cossiga . An enigmatic figure, a witness to a mysterious and elegant political events. A "picks".

Friday, August 6, 2010

Messages For Christining

Finished! Relax

After nearly 14 months of research, analysis, insights, interviews and discussions I have finished the thesis degree. The title is "The Impact of federal structures on the relevant public and private sectors to Importance of health in care delivery. "
Definitely satisfied!
Nil volentibus arduum