Thursday, April 29, 2010

Internships With Def Jams

The fate of Greece has never been so linked to that of Germany. The deteriorating socio-economic-financial-social that is affecting Greece can only be resolved in the context of the EU, and Germany now has a strategic role.
Germany has chosen to "sacrifice" his special interests for the good of the Union and its currency. Angela Merkel has once again demonstrated a far-sighted statesman: he chose to follow a road impassable although it has the support of the electorate. And May 9 in Germany there will be regional elections. 8.4 billion will be disbursed contributions of German citizens in 2010 to support Greece.
A common effort ...
This is Angela Merkel. A leader who can work for the benefit not only the nation but of all Europe. A leader who has the courage to make political choices for the long term. A true leader of the European People's Party.
Germany has also shown some foresight in the field of energy. Alpha Ventus is the name of the largest offshore wind farm in the world opened this week, just in Germany. Formirà energy to 50 000 homes. The electricity price is reduced CO2 emissions are cut down. The German government has already authorized the construction of 24 more wind farms offshore. The only wind I see in Italy is that of colorful pinwheels in the hands of children.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Does A Scorpio Man Lose Interest Easily

Earth Day 2010

Give Earth a Hand!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pilladas Torbe Onlines Gratis

One party political purposes

"Criticism is not treason!" and "O is matched or out": two points of view, two different people, two leaders, but one party.

Swimming Keep Water Out Of Ears


currents are not a metastasis. They are an opportunity for comparison. And in the PDL, the comparison is necessary.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why Does My Mole Hurt To Touch

seems to have resolved chaos inside the PDL. Fini has chosen not to abandon the party founded in 2007, but continued his political activity with a critical attitude towards the leadership of Berlusconi.
So today was officially the current Finian within the PDL. It 's the best choice, a split would be a risky and very risky political choice. Not to mention the impact on Italian politics: to simplify the national political scene is a must!, Create new parties would be harmful and unnecessary for the Italian right.
E 'fitting then that as a leading exponent of Fini able to carve out a significant role to advance constructive criticism and improve the match thanks to a comparison frank and sincere among all its members.
I therefore agree with the policy choice of the Speaker of the House and is closely monitoring the evolving relationship between Berlusconi and Fini.
Now I like the PDL more!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Skateland In Putty Hill

A little Sprint!

A bit of wind for all XD! A wind that brings a lot of movement
XD aaaaah! What the hell I come from the mouth XD (in this case from the hands xD)
Tell me if you like = D

PS: I know that some are anatomically wrong XD

- Naru -