Monday, February 28, 2011

Healthy Cereal Brands

CARRENA Horacio, Argentina x Warning Planet 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Indian Women Boobs Seen Through Saree

situation of women in Afghanistan, a statement of CISDA


The Italian Coordination Support Afghan Women (CISDA) denounced the law promoted by the Council of Ministers of Afghanistan in January 2011 according to which within 45 days of its entry into force of the shelters for abused women will pass by the Afghan NGO management control the Afghan Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA). The Decree
hosts a previous decision of the Afghan Supreme Court - the legislative body most obscurantist of the country - which has CRIME said the removal of women from home to seek refuge in shelters for battered women run by an NGO. The decision of the Supreme Court have limited the ability of Afghan women victims of violence to appeal to the judiciary.

The law also provides for the closing of some refuges, the accompaniment of women by a mahram (male relative or husband), the teaching of Islamic religion and the obligation for women to undergo constant accepted "medical" for the monitoring of their sexual activity. The government says that the management by the MoWA ensure better management of funds and better choice of internal staff. We believe that this measure was taken only to please the fundamentalists and the Taliban, with which negotiations have begun, so, the shelters have been accused of being houses of prostitution and has chosen to keep them under control.

This will have disastrous consequences for women victims of violence: No
male relative, let alone her husband, never accompany an abused woman in a shelter: in most cases are themselves the architects of the violence from which the women would escape.
Rape in Afghanistan is a source of shame and rejection to the woman. If the medical examination proved that the woman was raped, when under government control the victim would be welcomed rather than condemned.
If a woman flees a forced marriage because, once the refuge would be denounced by the government itself, because away from home is considered a crime.
The girls sent home would be living in disgrace and exclusion, if not directly executed, as evidenced by several cases of stoning took place in different parts of the country in recent months.
If the family asked the woman to return home for any reason, including forced marriage, the staff of the shelter could not refuse. What's more, many of the women from shelters, are accused of adultery in their communities. The
Afghanistan is one of the most corrupt countries in the world: there is no guarantee on the control of any funds allocated by international agencies to assist women victims of violence.

The Karzai government, established and actively supported the US-NATO military occupation, it certainly stands for the respect of human rights:
in March 2009, the Karzai government has signed a law designed to hit mostly Shiite women in the community: according to this law, women can not refuse to have sex with her husband and can not go to work, the doctor or to school without his permission.
In March 2007, the Karzai government had failed to secure an amnesty for all crimes against humanity committed in Afghanistan in the last twenty years.
In January 2007, the journalist Parwez Kambashkh was sentenced to death by a court in Balkh, after being accused of blasphemy because of his views on equal rights for women. Although Parwez, following international pressure, was pardoned, dozens of journalists are facing the same conditions.
In July 2006, the Karzai government has reintroduced the "Ministry of Vice and Virtue", already infamous under the Taliban regime.
Afghan organizations that are fighting for Human Rights also denounced the continuing pressure from the government to legalize the system of justice informal "(tribal) within which is scheduled stoning of women.

And Italy? Between 2001 and 2011 the Italian government has invested hundreds of millions of euro in the project of reconstruction of Afghan justice. We ask the Italian government and political forces that supported and still support the military intervention in Afghanistan to explain how the funds have been invested to rebuild the Afghan judicial system, since in recent years have been enacted laws that penalize heavily rather than promote, human rights and the rights of Afghan women.

CISDA INFO: cell. 3336868938

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Letter from AWN

To those who stand as guardians of the honor of women
An open letter from the women of Afghanistan is not

the first time that we are in this room. The walls, the table, the teapot ... how many times I have witnessed in our meetings, our disappointments, our discomfort. How many times have accepted our disappointed but determined group of women friends, activists, allies. How many times have we heard, while expressing the same concerns. How fragile our achievements. What will be of no meaning of the laws passed through our struggles. How are useless policies that we have struggled to enforce in this country who does not believe in the rights of women. In this country where the position of women in society is considered nothing more than an extension of his role in the family and tribe. In this country where ethics and morals are interpreted exclusively through the male definition of women who daily pay the price.

Today, the final blow: the shelters for women. Ripercorriamone history. Begins when a media is closely linked with the power of women falsely accuses the shelters to be places of prostitution and immorality. In response to this charge, the government established a commission of senior officials - none of them experienced, no one who manages a shelter, anyone who has ever lived in a shelter - to assess the situation. The Commissioners and produce a report of some incomplete without discussing their assessments with those who administer the shelters or with the organizations promoting them.

We, activists and women, we are now accused by the government of dishonoring the national pride because we have made public the serious and often humiliating violations of the rights that are imposed on women. This, they say, exposes the country to shame, shame in the eyes of the world. Anything? The revelation violations of human rights? Not the rampant corruption, not the failure to give Afghanistan a clear governance structure for honest and fair? Instead, they argue, that dishonors the country is respect for the ancient Afghan tradition, which requires providing a safe haven to those who need it most, to fight for the rights of the vulnerable? This dishonors us?

In an attempt to "fix" to these problems - and to divert international aid to refugees apart from a government channel "normalized" - the government is using the Ministry of Women as a tool to compress the rights of women. Minister - without shame - accusation women's groups of corruption, but does not offer a shred of evidence nor undertakes to correct the mistakes where they exist.

On the other hand, according to the government budget in January, most of the Ministries has used less than half of the funds allocated for national development programs. And now they want to transfer more funds into a system of government can not even manage the money he has.

But the main issue is not about the money. At least with regard to Afghan civil society and women's groups in particular - which, to cite one example, are the ones who were able to best use the money received, with minimal costs to provide programs useful and practical, transparent and producing budgets that demonstrate the effectiveness. No, the main question now is what will happen to women?

Unfortunately, the solemn promises to protect and respect the rights of women, made at the conferences in London and Kabul and in the Lisbon Declaration, have not translated into concrete action by the Afghan government or its international allies. Ever since those promises were solemnly pronounced, the Government has even gone back, and his commitment to women's rights has decreased. And now we should make women more vulnerable in our society totally in the hands of our government?

The experiences of refugees for women in the past nine years has shown that women who administer them, the women who found refuge there have always been threatened by the state institutions and those who exercise power informally in our society. This is not the threat to cut off funds, not at all. They are insidious threats: threats of the worst kind of betrayal. For example, a twelve year old girl in the district of Shindand in Herat recently asked to be accepted into a shelter, but the Government, under pressure from an elected official, he did return the girl to the family. That was then killed and cut to pieces.

And his story is not so different from many others. His story is a common history. Some of the women we known run enormous risks. In a heroic pose a risk not only their lives but also the safety of their children, to seek refuge from abuse in small houses that offer security. Some receive threats every day, even hourly. But for them it is worth the risk. They are women who have seen up close the torture and murder of other women who have themselves been victims of horrendous abuse. And they run the biggest risk in trying to escape the violence, bring into play their own survival. Under the new legislation, the risks for these women and their children seeking protection would be even larger. How can we allow this to happen?

Today Takhar a woman cries for justice against the powerful local who kidnapped, having kidnapped and then killed his daughter. The perpetrator is the grandson of a criminal Parliamentary sitting - today - in the parliament in Kabul, which is considered to be above the law by the district authorities. In light of the sun. What other evidence do you need? Every Afghan woman knows that this is the situation in the country. He also knows that for the Afghan government, this is considered normal.

The women who run the shelters work every day to protect the lives of their Afghan sisters, regardless of ethnicity or political opinions. And they faced enormous obstacles. Between 40 and 60% of all known cases of violence are handled by some powerful authority who exercises influence over, which puts pressure on the government to be the woman returned to her father or husband - master violent - by which he tried to escape.

We ask our government: Are you really able to take responsibility to protect the lives of these women?

and I really believe that exercise control over women's lives, even into the place of their last hope of salvation, will help you build a better international image of the country? This decision really take it in the best interests of women, even when you know that you are second most corrupt government in the world? This new legislation will miraculously be able to be free of the powerful and corrupt influences that infect all other areas of government? How can you guarantee this? And, more importantly, what can we do to stop you?

1Afghan Women's Network (AWN) is a network of women's organizations, activists and defenders of human rights in Afghanistan. Its membership includes more than 5,000 women and over 75 non-governmental organizations.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Difference Between Leave And License

Domenico Severino, Italy

Nylons And Suspenders


Saturday, February 12, 2011

How To Masterbate Wile Alone

event Feb. 13 A meeting interesting

Even in Padova on February 13 there will be an event that joins in the "if not now when?" There are many associations and individuals who will be present, some do not agree with the national text of the appeal, as we women nero.Il sense of this event is diversity, the ability to publicly express its position and confronto.Grande we felt the level of debate and this is a good thing.

find again in the Piazza dei Signori Sunday, February 13th from 15 to 18 hours

Friday, February 4, 2011

I Have Blisters On My Gums

Ross Kemp On Gangs Español

invited to attend the International Women in Black

From August 15 to 20 will be held in Bogota, Colombia, XV Meeting of the International Network of Women in Black

Previous international meetings were held in Europe (Serbia, Montenegro, Belgium, Italy, Spain) and Israel.

For the first time this year the meeting will be held in a Latin American country, Colombia, where decades of armed conflict is underway.

write the women of the Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres, which organized the meeting:

"We want tell you that we live in an armed conflict in Colombia for the past 60 years, with serious consequences for the violation of human rights. We suffer a humanitarian crisis with serious consequences for women. There is a militarization of civilian life and a conception of security focuses on the arms race, the informers, violence as a form of conflict management to be resolved by force and authoritarianism. In recent years, this situation of armed conflict is present in other Latin American countries. We are aware that other countries in the world suffering from these problems, to live in situations of war or war. But we are convinced that this really affects us all, to the north and south, as feminists and as part of women's movement. "

The meeting will be an opportunity to address important issues (the demilitarization of civilian life and territories, the Justice for War Crimes, feminism, war and military ...) , to promote understanding and exchanges between women from different countries and, above all, to define alternative set of women's resistance to the military and to enhance the movement of Women in Black against war.

will also be an important time to make visible the problems of Colombian women and to value what they do. The presence of many women around the world can give their strength to gain political influence in their country and create a humanitarian corridor to give them protection.

To promote the participation of many women, especially women from places of conflict or post-conflict (Israel-Palestine, Afghanistan, Africa, the Balkans ...), we Women in Black to open a Padova subscription to raise the necessary funds to cover travel expenses for these women.

Please contact:

Women in Black of Padua:

or pay a contribution on the Bank's Ethics ccb No 00000113509, IBAN IT98 K050 1812 1010 0000 0113 509, payable to Julie Ortolan, indicating the reason: XV International Encounter of Women in Black

For more information about the Summit International:

http : / /

Women in Black of Padua