Thursday, December 30, 2010

Where To Get Kotaikal Oil In Chennai

Here is the greeting card created for the friends to whom I could not do christmas gift (in practice almost all XD) Because I have
said it was nice to come I decided to post XD

A prestooos!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Patella Tendonitis Yoga

Meeting with Martha Giralda of the Ruta Pacifica

Bologna, 12/08/2010

We are 5 Din of Bologna, Ravenna 2, 3 Padova, Torino 1, Verona 1 as well as Martha.

we were all very happy to have attended the meeting to have known Martha is a woman at the same time serene and determined that appeals immediately, that does not hide the problems, but addresses them clearly looking for a solution.

In the foreword Patricia has been made by a number of points, then recovered well from Martha, to frame the situation in Colombia from the perspective of women:

  • women of the Ruta try to reestablish contact with the ' Organización Femenina Popular while acknowledging the persistence of different political points of view: Ruta has drastically against all the armed actors (military, paramilitary, guerrilla warfare), while OFP has met both guerrillas and paramilitaries;
  • former President Uribe has tried to involve in its political representatives of women's groups, two women agreed to be part of the Government Commission for Justice and Peace for the management of the Ley de Justicia y Paz, which covers war crimes, the Ruta is contrary to this involvement;
  • some women's organizations do not want to put violence against women, practiced by all armed actors, the center of policy.

Martha has been reported that the International Meeting to be held in Bogota August 15 to 20, in line at the conference Ruta wants to organize a tour in the nine regions where there is , a economic tour that will add to the conference knowledge of the country and the places where most of the armed conflict affects women's lives and people.

part of the Ruta is the desire to take advantage of every trip to prepare the international meeting in August, to understand why so far there has been a response so weak and stimulate participation.

Martha in her thanks Din has defined a pillar of the Italian women's movement against the war, for this reason the Colombian expected to last November, the participation of many women from Italy, as on the other hand the Spain. Women who live in places of conflict (Palestine, Afghanistan, Sahrawi, Congo, Colombia ...) need special support, support for their struggles to achieve through policy initiatives, advocacy and protection. The support should have the objective to make visible the problems of women in these difficult countries (for example, make sure not to forget what's happening in Palestine than women) and to value what they do. Political pressure and initiative in our country gives them the strength to gain political influence in their country and create a humanitarian corridor that gives them protection . For example, for the women of the Ruta, which, being secular does not even have protection of the church, there must be a great number of internationals present at the conference organized by them, in fact, by their actions when they are exposed, they run a greater risk to the safety of their lives, so if the international number is low, their position becomes weaker, while if International participation is high, this means for their protection, strength and recognition. For this it was necessary to move the international meeting in August and from November to August can not and should not go wrong.

They hope that international initiatives are created with non-violent direct actions creative (in the Ruta there are some very creative young women which is given space) against the war, taking turns in different cities of the world having established with monthly themes and scans. The young are often difficult to understand why we struggle against war and for peace and this can be understood through a feminist reading of the war.

Martha gave two examples of non-violent direct actions: one made by them when in Colombia, taking advantage of a curve in the path, have ushered in a military parade procession of a tank covered in flowers and flowers that shot, whose photographs have been around the world and another made in Spain and Belgium were the protagonists of women with children entered the department toys in a department store, the kids were shooting with water guns painted red and the affected women fell to the ground.

We need common thoughts and actions that give visibility and strengthen the movement. To do this could launch a competition of ideas for non-violent direct actions and performance and run workshops on nonviolence and its practical value for some historical events in which freedom and dignity is achieved without bloodshed, which is generally not are known, especially by young people so that we can instill values.

Concerning the XV International Meeting of Women in Black first pointed out that Martha is the first time held in a country outside Europe (or not a direct burden on Europe as Israel) in a Latin American country that enjoys the "summa cum laude" of violence and war, where those who defend human rights is constantly strong attacks.

He then outlined the five main themes of the conference:

  • First Priority: Safety militarized arms race and the protection of women . As feminism has interpreted the security policies in today's world (military, the arms race, wars in the south, weapons in the north, the protection of women).
  • Second line: Justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against women . Experiences in the ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court.
  • Third Axis: Reading by the feminism of today's conflicts . Armed conflict, religious conflict, illegal economies, sexism and xenophobia.
  • Fourth Axis: Actions or practices of women processors in response to the challenges .
    meetings between the participants on motivational strategies processors and actions carried out by women.
  • Fifth Axis: Challenges of Women in Black . How we interpret and how we respond. Budget of the Women in Black

for each axis will be: the introduction made by a woman (for the First Luisa Morgantini axis have thought that you already informed and has accepted), workshops, in return plenary.

The fourth priority should be important to know, to recover the different historical memories, to find out how we are interpreting the reality that we live and the external realities of other countries, we are interested in the achievements women and then, in particular, the WIB; us that we must enhance our practices and initiatives. In that regard, Martha told us that when it goes to another country, he realizes the importance of DIN in that country, which is the same DiN are unable to perceive, "unfortunately, you Europeans have internalized Europe as a Country for Old Men. "

The work and findings of all the boards should meet in the fifth and final plenary session where they will make decisions.

In each case we give value to non-violent actions that we, the war takes away dignity and freedom, the non-violent actions instead give dignity and freedom.

The women of the OFP will be invited to the meeting as part of the network Women in Black

As preparation for the conference call that the Colombian groups in the local and network level national make a discussion on the thematic axes and proposed that I send the findings to the entire international network. The worst for last November was the silence: the Ruta asks us to break the silence, to write, individually, expressing their difficulties (both economic and in relation to the relations between women in Colombia or other) and their willingness to participate.

La Ruta has identified 20 women whose participation in the conference would be very important, but who can not pay travel and registration, and therefore should be "taken" by the international (some have already been adopted). The management of funds in this regard will be made by the Ruta.


We DiN in Bologna we decided to launch a fundraiser for the adoption of some women from "hard places" , we should send the crop to Ruta Pacifica by February.

Registration for the conference must be made by March and will be made public on the international network in such a way as to encourage others to participate (it is called "animate the fiesta).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can You Huff Spray Paint

I'm still alive to prove it: Pintel and Ragetti XD

here are some studies I did for the large tables assegnateci Massimo Asaro!
These above studies on Pintel, one of the characters of Pirates of the Caribbean, comics (Disney) ...

... instead these are studies for his partner, Ragetti.
I hope you enjoy XD are

soon (hopefully)


ps: they are always a few words XD

24 Volt Charger Plans

WARNING PLANET 2 º edition pospone to 2011 - prorroga 2011 -

Exhibition THIS WILL BE IN 2011 - date not confirmed yet
QUESTA SARA MOSTRA Channel 2011 - 2011 data a confermare


Warning Planet X Artists 2nd EDITION - (INSCRIPTION ORDER)

Leonardo Basile, Italy
_guroga, Venezuela
Arianna Tramontano, Italy
Domenico Severino, Italy
Noemi Silvera, Uruguay
Cinzia Mastropaolo, Italy
Bayu Angora, Indonesia
Kathleen McHugh, USA
Paul Chirco, Italy
Massimo Nardi, Italy Enrico
Danna, Italy (poetry)
Prab Perdana, Indonesia
Hadiwijaya Nugraha, Indonesia
Maria Victoria Crowned
Horacio Carreno
Maya Lopez Wall