Monday, June 28, 2010

My Dog Throws Up Green

Designs for Cospladya!

Salveee! Here are some drawings I did for the Cospladya! Ahahahaha XD XD finally some man, I am a serious person uu

Anyway the picture quality is not great, are photos of the drawings, because the original took them =).
I've made two versions because I still do not juggle well with the images to the computer: S!
I hope I'll be the desire to redo! The first course is my favorite *.*

Anyway ... after this appetizer, after so long, I salute you! A
prestooo =) Naru

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Single Best Colour For Interior Of House

E 'also finished this course. After having passed the final examination are provided 10 days of rest and relaxation, then the last effort to finish and deliver the argument.
And tomorrow go back to Lodi for a week!
in peace with the world ...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What Is The Purpose Of Oxygen Blender

Belgium Elections 2010

Today we vote here in Belgium. An election unexpected and hastily organized to form a government, preferably stable, before the United gets the presidency of the EU Council (July 1 to December 31, 2010).
However there are many unknowns about the future of Belgium: the Flemish community, which since 2007 raises serious doubts on the federal pact between the two communities that make up the Kingdom, seems determined to change the constitution again or even confederal with a view to create a real secession .
If I could vote, I would give my support to CDH French-speaking Christian Democrat party town belonging to the EPP. Their motto for this election is: "L'Union fait la Force"!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Drying Merino Wool Shrink It?

The Israeli assault

Act understandable, but to be condemned. Disproportionate use of force.